Monday, 2 April 2012

Pussy Willows

I have the next 8 days off, my husband asked me "What are your plans?" "To clean and organize" was my response and he replied " and to have fun right" ? Good call Jay.

I have spent about a month reading all kinds of blogs, I have tried a few receipts, shared blogs with other friends,
and have a crazy amount of projects I want to try with the boys. BUT I also stopped doing much of anything else around the house....I'd rather read about cleaning schedules than create one, yikes! I can clean but maintaining I have not mastered. I can blame it on the full time job or a husband that doesn't really care what the house looks like.Or having a 2 year old and an 8 year old but the truth is cleaning kind of bores me. But I do feel better in an organized environment. Oh and by the way the 8 year old has a very clean room!

Spring is always a difficult time for me emotionally, why I am not sure so having a break from work and a few hours to be home alone without the boys should  do my soul and my house some good.

I decided that I would start the next 4 mornings off in a positive way and put the to do list aside for an hour or so. Meadow (our lab) and I took a walk in the back in search of pussy willows. Now we have lived in the country for 3 years and I always seem to miss the pussy willows some how......the same goes with the raspberries that grow on one side of the house, I see them flower and then I think the birds or bears must eat them.
Anyways I did find the pussy willows in varying degrees of fun is that! The pussy willows remind me of being a child and how exciting it was to find them. Here is to a spring of more discoveries......

Get Low and Look Up

Do you ever get reoccurring messages in your life? I do... lately it has been look up. I seen a few IG post to look up and notice another pe...