Sunday, 26 April 2020

Get Low and Look Up

Do you ever get reoccurring messages in your life? I do... lately it has been look up. I seen a few IG post to look up and notice another perspective. I tried it while I was out with the dogs this week.
I enjoy being alone without voices and chatter  and requests. Nature is one of the places I slow down. My engine runs faster than I would of designed it too.  I am easily distracted or I fall down rabbit holes of over focusing. 
The ground is uneven in the far back, I walk slow to stay upright, I also walk slow so my eyes can take in everything that is going on out there.
When I looked up all I could see was blinding grey sky, my first emotion was disappointment. Then something told me to get lower and look up. Then my view caught the trees standing strong together like an army.
The west part of our property  has birch and willow. The birch trees do not always withstand high winds. Someone explained to me the fallen trees nurture and enrich the soil for more trees to grow. Even in death comes life. (Thank you Jesus!)

You don't remove the dead trees you let it break down and seep back into the ground to help the army grow stronger to withstand the next storm.  We are all part of the cycle, each of us at a different place in life and death and growth.

We are living in strange times with covid19, have you had time to get low and look up? Have you  found a system, that lets things die to produce something rich and strong or something different you need in this new climate? 
What are you feeding your mind, your body and soul? 
Are you getting what you need to fight a little bit longer? 
Better yet do you know what you need so you can do this a little while longer?

 kristen heather

Get Low and Look Up

Do you ever get reoccurring messages in your life? I do... lately it has been look up. I seen a few IG post to look up and notice another pe...