Sounds good to me... "
No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your current circumstances, the magic of gratitude will change your life" (R.Byrne: the MAGIC).
Its been a gong show of a morning, so it might be time to focus on what is good and beutiful in the world around me.
Brodie and I end each day with prayers, I have changed it from my childhood one "
if I should die before I wake" to "thank you Lord for my day, thank you for________ We take turns listing things off people or events from our day. Sometimes my prayers are altered or left unsaid, because its just a can of worms I don't want to open. I realize that doesn't mean I should over look them, but find time to myself to explore, think and pray about my own day, Brodie and I are intentional with our gratitude because we have found a place it fits into our day.
Don't get me wrong I often have moments that I just whisper
thank you thank you, when I'm caught in a moment... usually watching the boys, but I'm committing to being more intentional for a little of my own
magic... here are a few things on my list:
Beauty of nature in our own backyard |
My 3 guys |
Beach days |
My sweet Meadow |
My Parents |
What are you grateful for:
kristen heather