Saturday, 16 June 2012

Can You Tell Me The Reason Why.....

I am awake at 5:00 am on a Saturday...really I I've been up for over an hour, Brodie woke because he was melting under the blankets he buried himself in last night.When I returned to bed my mind started spinning with the events of the week, like a giant snowball growing bigger and bigger with every thought. I have 4 amazing friends plus myself that have major individual or family struggles going on.Good people, sweet families, hard working, law abiding people, with a crappy hand being dealt to them, medically, emotionally, financially and it's hard not to ask why??
Like a lot of the questions out there I don't know ( and my rote response being a mama of an 8 year old "let's Google it" doesn't seem to fit").

Here is what I do believe and know for myself to be true:

  •  It is a blessing to have trusted friends, to share with, cry with and problem solve with.
  • It is a blessing to have trust and be trusted. 
  • Let yourself feel it. That's part of processing it, stuffing it down is going to make it bigger and BIGGER.
  • We need an escape every so often, physically and emotionally.
  • God doesn't make bad things happen, but he will lighten the load if you open your heart and let it go, even if its just for five minutes release it.
  • Practise gratitude each day, in all of this make a list, mentally or physically, what is good, what is working, what brought you joy today.                                    
 kristen heather

1 comment:

Get Low and Look Up

Do you ever get reoccurring messages in your life? I do... lately it has been look up. I seen a few IG post to look up and notice another pe...