Sunday 9 September 2012

Depends How You Look At It

After some serious video game playing  by the males in the home our love- seat was moved in front of our t.v. it stayed there for about a week. While sitting in this new spot one afternoon I got a totally different view of our yard. I could see blue sky and the beginning of the autumn trees. It was pretty amazing. Its coming up to four years living in the country and on certain days I'm not always sure, its easy to get over whelmed by the amount of "yard" we have, and the price of gas, and the not so friendly town folk and then you see the amazing blue sky and all the you perspective. Stop and look around...things change faster than you think.(One minute Morgan Freeman is dead...then he is alive).

I shared my last blog post with a co worker and her response was so unexpected Its taken me awhile to write again. I later looked at it from what might be her point of view, she is a very private person and maybe me sharing my journey made her uncomfortable. We all stand in different places.

Here are my Favorite things from this week:

Exploring Together
Sharing Together ( one mini project done Brodie's art wall)
Spending time together

Celebrating Together ! TWO touchdowns and one convert

kristen heather

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Get Low and Look Up

Do you ever get reoccurring messages in your life? I do... lately it has been look up. I seen a few IG post to look up and notice another pe...