Sunday 26 August 2012

I'm off to make the coffee, and pack a few lunches.....

I have truly enjoyed making my weekly favorites lists, for some reason I just couldn't focus this week to do it, I 'm feeling overwhelmed, but it's not totally clear to me about what. Do you ever feel that something is just weighing you down?
There is apart of me that feels guilty to complain, I know too many people struggling. I guess we are all struggle with different battles, from time to time.

Jay will remind me that I have everything I always wished for with the boys, it's difficult for him to understand what I wanted the most is what stresses me the most. Its not the  boys directly it's the loss of ones own schedule, or freedom. The time it takes to do everything x3, (for the boys and myself)...the lunches, bathing, laundry, the appointments, the sick days, the activities. Added to this my procrastination and the commuting. Who is kidding who if we still lived in the city I would still be running late. I know if I pack the lunches and make the coffee the night before it will make the morning so much smoother, but I don 't. Am I my own worst enemy?

So I asked myself this morning what do I want?, What gives me joy?

  • I want to start some of these mini projects I'm always planning to do, but always get left because of the 20 other boring things I need to do first
  • I want to finish the 20 boring things instead of starting 75% of them and completing none ( I just said to Jay you can always gage my state of mind with the state the house is in).
  • I want to fill the freezer with ready to use meals and baking
  • I want to read more
  • Pray more
  • Play more 
I read today's post from Finding Joy this is what stood out to me "This week is the only August 26-September 1, 2012 that I will ever get to live" how true

kristen heather

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