Friday, 14 December 2012

Finding my way back to Friday Favorites....

During the summer months I was able to use holiday time to create a part time work schedule, which allowed me to blog more, clean more, play more. I have really been missing the Friday Favorite Things from: 
 I thought today would be a good day to stop and share my family that gives me joy even in the tough times, we are together in this journey we call life

My cute family, I have been blessed 3 times over

My amazing Jason who is so out numbered by the sensitive ones living under one roof.
You provide truth, loyalty and love
Thank you

Brodie James has this father's brains & his mama's heart, with balance of the two I see great things in his future

Korben Jason has brought us laughter, joy and brotherhood

My parents have taught me the true meaning of in sickness & in health
bless and protect them you

Shayne and Terry are generous and loyal and I respect & love you  both

Betty and Ray have always shown me kindness and respect. I am proud to call both of them family
This one is an old picture but its true to what family is food, joy & togetherness

I am so thankful

kristen heather

Comments are always welcome, thanks for stopping by

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures!!! It was so nice to spend the evening catching up. Have a fantastic weekend :). Kel


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