Friday 27 June 2014


Maybe you have experienced something that hurts so much that it puts a dark cloud over all that is good and joyful in your life. 

Maybe you wake in the morning and you have a moment when reality has not yet clicked in and you feel normal, and then it hits you like a mac truck. 

Maybe you mourn, maybe you get angry, maybe you cried some more. 
Maybe you pray, maybe you let someone else in to carry the burden just for awhile. 

Maybe it's you
Maybe it's someone you love
Maybe it's cancer
Maybe it's an addiction
Maybe it's old age
Maybe it's heartbreak 
Maybe it's an opinion
Maybe it true
Maybe it's not

Maybe you will never get over it, maybe you will....

Maybe what comes from it is part of God's plan

Maybe you find a way to feel useful in the situation
Maybe you gather information, make an action plan and feel more in control of the situation.
Maybe you begin to move forward, seeing a different path for your journey. 

Maybe you make sense of it,
Maybe you become stronger from it
Maybe you find strength in a person who needs you as much as you need them

Maybe you will believe me when I say:
You are smart 
You are strong
You are beautiful
And Korben would add:You are powerful 
You are never alone

                                  kristen heather xo

 (Drafted Feb 2014, now seemed like a perfect time to post)

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