Thursday 12 July 2012

What I Have Learned In Kindergarten, Grade One and Two

Brodie just finished grade two, I started a tradition in kindergarten to take a picture on the first day and the last day of school. We also celebrate the last day with a mini party.
First day  of  Grade 2 September 2011

June 2012 end of Grade 2

I had no idea what a bumpy road starting school would be, when we met the kindergarten teacher she commented that I was the only mother that day that was not in tears....(I was due to have Korben in about a month). I explained that I was excited for him to start, he is a February birthday and he was ready. I also explained briefly what I did for a living; how the kids I work with sometimes need so much support going into a classroom setting, I was grateful, I figured Brodie needed what was on his list and he was good to go. 

 Korben was born October 30, 2009 Jay put Brodie on the bus and when Jay took him off that night Brodie was a big brother. By January the teacher said Brodie didn't have the same energy or enthusiasm he had in September. Another mom told me her son was scared to get in trouble like Brodie did for lying down while he played with the toy cars in the classroom. During a phone conversation with the teacher I was asked how much sleep does he gets? She then suggested I get a book on new babies in the family...If I wasn't suffering from postpartum depression I still would of been offended. We had two more incidences with this teacher before the end of June.
              I learned all school years come to an end and some path never need to be traveled twice. 

Grade one was no better the teacher gave children red slips of paper for each infraction to be displayed at the door with your name. I made the mistake of letting the question "how was your day" to be interpreted to how many slips did you get? During the last few weeks of grade 1 he kept reporting he had none, when I asked about his day on the ride home one night; (I had been in his class for an award ceremony) he said none....and I responded well why did I see 2 by your name....he responding very sadly that he thought it would be better to lie than give me bad news.
                   Wow can you say life lesson for both of us....and better to learn at 7 than 17.

I'm happy to report that Grade Two was great, on the first day Brodie made a raccoon with a poem on the back about the story "The Kissing Hand" it was a good reminder to me that he might be the big brother but he was still a little kid ( I had some how forgot this).
 The teacher later reported he liked to stand when he prints which did not disrupt her or his peers. Our three way conference was SO positive I sent a thank you note to the teacher after.
During this year he really blossomed, reading started to come together, printing was clearer, even his art skills seemed to grow up.....
     I learned skills come together with practice, say thank you when someone makes your day, the impact of positive words, and most importantly he is still a little kid and so he should enjoy himself like one. 

kristen heather


  1. Kristen...Thank you for giving me the opportunity to get some insight into what an amazing woman you are. I know there are "3 lucky guys" to have you in their life.
    I will watch for more.....Aunt Ruth


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