Tuesday, 1 January 2013

The Plan

The plan was for me to start back to work tomorrow..... January 2, 2013, half days every second day to start..........because the return to work plan was not completed my doctor has told me to wait....

The plan was to buy a new car....... but my dislike to the idea of a car payments, Jay and his dad will fix my Toyota.

The plan was my mom would start a new medication with a gradual scheduled increase so she could function day to day........since December we have had a many days that she does not recognize my dad as her husband.

The plan was to always be strong and not scared of what lies ahead............my mom is sick and that has changed everything

The plan is to return to work when I am ready
The plan is to keep making good money decisions that make me comfortable

The plan is to follow my brothers lead and be strong, to educate ourselves about dementia and find people who have walked this road before us
The plan is to keep communicating and supporting each other
The plan is to love and remember its the disease, not my Mama
The plan is to find a way to grieve, to plan, to enjoy what time we have
The plan is to be as honest as possible with Brodie
The plan is to let people in
The plan is to Let go and Let God

kristen heather

This is the trolls house

Mama can we get a turtle?

Brodie told us this is called a monkey cup, they fill with water and the monkey drinks out of

 Jan 2/13: My Mom was reassessed yesterday with blood work they think she is having a negative reaction to her medication she has been on for a month..... Which could explain the month if craziness
new drug being tried keep your fingers crossed......
Jan 15/13 My mom is doing amazingly well...God is good

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, we'll have to compare notes. My mom is going through it too, but no drugs have been prescribed as yet. She is changing, and often I feel like I've already lost her. As I mentioned it's been a difficult year. Yes, I need prayer in healing some family relationships, and healing some deep personal wounds I'm not sure if I can ever get over. Remember me in your prayers. Kristen, I hear the wisdom in your blogs and I am so happy and proud of what you are accomplishing. Love Terry


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